Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Creative Commons

Schooling From Home.

Limerick Poem.

No School bells ring, no uniform required.
Without the constant hum of bored voices.
On your own, sitting silent.
All online, eyes glued to screens.
At least we don't have to work for as long.
By Molly

1 comment:

  1. Hi Molly!
    My name is Mrs. Calcagno and I am a 5th/6th grade teacher in Illinois in the U.S. My students are participating in the blogging challenge, too.
    I have to say I am very impressed by your poem! I am guessing you are also not learning in school these days, only online (like us). The tone of your poem suggests that it is not your favorite. Is the correct? It sounds like you miss your friends and being around others. I think our students feel the same way. What have you been doing to keep yourself busy at home?
    I would love for you to check out our class blog!
