Sunday, March 29, 2020

Hundred Word Challenge

“ Ugh why do I have to do school work during the holidays?” I groaned to mum . “Because we need to keep organised and carry on as normal as possible,” retaliated my mum. “You lost me at organised but okay.” I grabbed my new workbook and computer and went to sit at the kitchen table. I fiddled with my diamond blue pen as I connected my airpods for my online math lesson. I was upset because there wasn’t real school but at least I didn’t have to do the fitness class, although I still have to go sprinting around the block

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Week One Blogging Task

Family Avatars

For this weeks blogging challenge I have started by doing the avatars. I took it a step further though and have made one for each of my family members. Hope you enjoy!!!

This is me

I enjoy speech and drama, acting, and netball.
I also enjoy getting outside and going shooting or fishing. I love learning and a big challenge to get stuck in.

This is my older Brother(Ben)

My Brother likes loads of sports but is especially skilled in cricket and went on a tournament in Melbourne this year. He is also extremely intelligent and is in multiple extension classes.

This is my younger Sister(Gracie)
My sister is a person who is very social and loves to hang out with friends. She is very gifted in most areas but is extremely talented in reading and is ahead in her age group. She loves to play touch rugby with her friends.

This is my Mum(Rebecca)

My mum is a teacher aid at my sisters school. She loves yoga and making healthy salads. She loves bathing in the sun with a good book and going for walks.

This is my Dad(Mathew)

My dad is a vet and loves animals. He usually takes care of big animals on farms, but occasionally he will do surgeries on dogs and cats. He loves going hunting and fishing and loves buying new kit for himself. He is the best at making Asian food and will often help us out with homework.

The End

100 World Challenge

Black ash swirled and dived, it creeped inside lungs and stiffened my legs. My heavy pack stabbed my bleeding shoulders and my matted hair got stuck in my muddy face. Sunlight was a memory and so was proper food. On the horizon I saw shelter. An old damaged shack sat almost directly beside a sinkhole creeping into it by the second. I could have died if I went straight in, but I was desperate. I hadn't had  food in ages let alone a piece of fruit like a banana. I jumped over the sinkhole and grabbed the door. Finally food!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

An Introduction-Who I am!

😀Week Five Blogging Task😀

Hi I am Molly, and I am part of Rm 14, Oamaru Intermediate. 

I have done blogging before but I have never done it on blogger, I have also partaken in the blogging challenge.

I enjoy learning especially maths and science because of the logical and experimental side of it. I love a challenge and something that make my brain really think.

I love sports especially netball, but it doesn't matter what sport or game because I just love to get my competitive side out. Playing sports and getting outside is something I like to do often.

I love speech and drama, or just plain acting. I get involved in many drama competitions and usually place highly. I love to use my voice and most time I get told by my friends I talk way to much,( actually while typing I got told by my friend that I was saying everything I was typing😂)

I am extremely excited for the year to come and blog all about it(especially since I got house captain for my house Konnini💙).

That's it for now but cant wait to start blogging!
