Tuesday, March 3, 2020

An Introduction-Who I am!

😀Week Five Blogging Task😀

Hi I am Molly, and I am part of Rm 14, Oamaru Intermediate. 

I have done blogging before but I have never done it on blogger, I have also partaken in the blogging challenge.

I enjoy learning especially maths and science because of the logical and experimental side of it. I love a challenge and something that make my brain really think.

I love sports especially netball, but it doesn't matter what sport or game because I just love to get my competitive side out. Playing sports and getting outside is something I like to do often.

I love speech and drama, or just plain acting. I get involved in many drama competitions and usually place highly. I love to use my voice and most time I get told by my friends I talk way to much,( actually while typing I got told by my friend that I was saying everything I was typing😂)

I am extremely excited for the year to come and blog all about it(especially since I got house captain for my house Konnini💙).

That's it for now but cant wait to start blogging!


1 comment:

  1. I am impressed by how well you can right such amazing words and it makes sense.how well did you think you did in this good piece of writing.don't forget to right from molly at the end of the story.
